110+ Bible Riddles and Christian Puzzles | Fun Challenges

The Bible is full of wisdom, stories, and intriguing mysteries that challenge both the mind and spirit. Whether you are looking for hard Bible riddles, fun Bible trivia for kids, or funny Bible riddles to lighten the mood, this collection has something for everyone! These unique and thought-provoking Bible riddles will test your biblical knowledge while making learning fun. Perfect for Sunday school, Bible study groups, or just a friendly challenge, these riddles bring scripture to life in an engaging way. Get ready to dive into the ultimate collection of Bible riddles for all ages!
Hard Bible Riddles with Answers
1. I was built by Noah to survive a flood. What am I?
Answer: The Ark
2. I led Israel out of Egypt, but never entered the Promised Land. Who am I?
Answer: Moses
3. I fought a giant with just a sling and a stone. Who am I?
Answer: David
4. I am the first murderer in the Bible. Who am I?
Answer: Cain
5. I was swallowed by a great fish for three days. Who am I?
Answer: Jonah
6. I built the first temple in Jerusalem. Who am I?
Answer: Solomon
7. I walked with God and never died. Who am I?
Answer: Enoch
8. I tricked my father into giving me my brother’s blessing. Who am I?
Answer: Jacob
9. I am the river where Moses was found in a basket. What am I?
Answer: The Nile River
10. I baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. Who am I?
Answer: John the Baptist
11. I was a tax collector before becoming one of Jesus’ disciples. Who am I?
Answer: Matthew
12. I was the disciple who doubted Jesus’ resurrection until I saw His wounds. Who am I?
Answer: Thomas
13. I betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Who am I?
Answer: Judas Iscariot
14. I carried Jesus’ cross on the way to Golgotha. Who am I?
Answer: Simon of Cyrene
15. I was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection. Who am I?
Answer: Mary Magdalene
16. I am the disciple whom Jesus loved. Who am I?
Answer: John
17. I was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified. Who am I?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
18. I am the first book of the Bible. What am I?
Answer: Genesis
19. I am the last book of the Bible. What am I?
Answer: Revelation
20. I am the book that contains the Ten Commandments twice. What am I?
Answer: Exodus & Deuteronomy
21. I am the shortest book in the Old Testament. What am I?
Answer: Obadiah

22. I am the shortest book in the New Testament. What am I?
Answer: 2 John
23. I was a Pharisee before becoming a great missionary for Christ. Who am I?
Answer: Paul
24. I said, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” Where am I found?
Answer: Romans 6:23
25. I am the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments. What am I?
Answer: Mount Sinai
26. I am the person who wrote most of the Psalms. Who am I?
Answer: David
27. I am a man who lost everything but still praised God. Who am I?
Answer: Job
28. I was turned into a pillar of salt for looking back. Who am I?
Answer: Lot’s wife
29. I am the disciple who replaced Judas Iscariot. Who am I?
Answer: Matthias
30. I was the place where Jesus prayed before His arrest. Where am I?
Answer: Garden of Gethsemane
31. I am known as the “wisest man” in the Bible. Who am I?
Answer: Solomon
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Bible Riddles for Kids
Here are 35 Bible riddles for kids:
1. I was the first man made from dust. Who am I?
Answer: Adam
2. I lived in a giant boat with lots of animals. Who am I?
Answer: Noah
3. I had a big dream of a stairway reaching to heaven. Who am I?
Answer: Jacob
4. I held up my arms, and the Red Sea parted. Who am I?
Answer: Moses
5. I was tricked into marrying the wrong sister before I got to marry the one I loved. Who am I?
Answer: Jacob
6. I fought lions but was not eaten. Who am I?
Answer: Daniel
7. I carried heavy stone tablets down from a mountain. What did I bring?
Answer: The Ten Commandments
8. I used only my hands to tear a lion apart. Who am I?
Answer: Samson
9. I was a talking animal who warned my rider not to go the wrong way. What am I?
Answer: Balaam’s donkey
10. I am a food that fell from the sky for God’s people in the desert. What am I?
Answer: Manna
11. I walked on water but started to sink when I lost faith. Who am I?
Answer: Peter
12. I am the city where Jesus was born. Where am I?
Answer: Bethlehem
13. I was a little boy who shared my lunch with Jesus, and He fed thousands. What did I bring?
Answer: Five loaves and two fish
14. I was the first miracle Jesus performed. What happened?
Answer: Water turned into wine
15. I climbed a tree to see Jesus because I was too short. Who am I?
Answer: Zacchaeus
16. I was a young girl who gave birth to Jesus. Who am I?
Answer: Mary
17. I was born in a manger because there was no room in the inn. Who am I?
Answer: Jesus
18. I am the mountain where Jesus gave a famous sermon. Where am I?
Answer: The Mount of Beatitudes
19. I was a thief who was forgiven by Jesus on the cross. Who am I?
Answer: The repentant thief
20. I came to Jesus at night with many questions. Who am I?
Answer: Nicodemus
21. I had twin sons, one hairy and one smooth. Who am I?
Answer: Isaac
22. I led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses. Who am I?
Answer: Joshua
23. I was a woman judge who led Israel to victory. Who am I?
Answer: Deborah
24. I am the garden where the first man and woman lived. Where am I?
Answer: The Garden of Eden
25. I built a huge temple for God in Jerusalem. Who am I?
Answer: Solomon
26. I was a prophet swallowed by a giant sea creature. Who am I?
Answer: Jonah
27. I am the place where Jesus died on the cross. Where am I?
Answer: Golgotha (Calvary)
28. I was a woman who found baby Moses floating in the river. Who am I?
Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter
29. I was the first person to die in the Bible. Who am I?
Answer: Abel
30. I was a king who threw Daniel into a lions’ den. Who am I?
Answer: King Darius
31. I was made from Adam’s rib. Who am I?
Answer: Eve
32. I was a fiery chariot that took a prophet to heaven. What am I?
Answer: Elijah’s chariot of fire
33. I appeared as a burning bush but was never burned up. What am I?
Answer: The burning bush that spoke to Moses
34. I am the shortest verse in the Bible. What are the two words?
Answer: “Jesus wept.”
35. I was an animal that tricked Eve in the Garden of Eden. What am I?
Answer: The serpent
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Bible Riddles for Adults

1. I was created before the sun but still bring light. What am I?
Answer: God’s spoken light (Genesis 1:3-5)
2. I had to march around a city for seven days before its walls fell. What city am I?
Answer: Jericho
3. I am the first person recorded as getting drunk in the Bible. Who am I?
Answer: Noah
4. I am the only woman in the Bible whose age at death is recorded. Who am I?
Answer: Sarah
5. I was turned into a leper for speaking against my brother. Who am I?
Answer: Miriam
6. I was struck dead instantly for touching the Ark of the Covenant. Who am I?
Answer: Uzzah
7. I lived the longest life recorded in the Bible. Who am I?
Answer: Methuselah (969 years)
8. I was an idol made of gold that led God’s people astray. What am I?
Answer: The golden calf
9. I hid spies under stalks of flax and later became an ancestor of Jesus. Who am I?
Answer: Rahab
10. I am the reason why Balaam’s donkey refused to move forward. Who am I?
Answer: An angel blocking the path
11. I was a rich man who gave up my tomb for Jesus. Who am I?
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
12. I wrote the most books in the New Testament. Who am I?
Answer: Paul
13. I was a doctor who traveled with Paul and wrote two books of the Bible. Who am I?
Answer: Luke
14. I asked Jesus, ‘What is truth?’ but didn’t wait for an answer. Who am I?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
15. I fell asleep during a sermon and fell out of a window. Who am I?
Answer: Eutychus
16. I carried a letter from Paul to Philemon regarding a runaway slave. Who am I?
Answer: Onesimus
17. I was blinded for three days on the road to Damascus. Who am I?
Answer: Saul (Paul)
18. I washed my hands to show I was innocent of Jesus’ death. Who am I?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
19. I saw a vision of a sheet full of unclean animals coming down from heaven. Who am I?
Answer: Peter
20. I was an early Christian couple who lied about money and died instantly. Who are we?
Answer: Ananias and Sapphira
21. I am the only book in the Bible that does not mention God. What am I?
Answer: Esther
22. I am the only disciple to die of natural causes instead of martyrdom. Who am I?
Answer: John
23. I am the name of the place where Jesus ascended into heaven. Where am I?
Answer: Mount of Olives
24. I am a prophetic book that describes a valley of dry bones coming to life. What am I?
Answer: Ezekiel
25. I was the governor who allowed Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Who am I?
Answer: Artaxerxes
26. I was the only disciple to walk on water besides Jesus. Who am I?
Answer: Peter
27. I wrote a letter to Christians who were scattered and included the verse ‘Faith without works is dead.’ Who am I?
Answer: James
28. I was a judge who made a foolish vow and sacrificed my own daughter. Who am I?
Answer: Jephthah
29. I saw a vision of a giant statue with a head of gold, chest of silver, belly of bronze, and feet of clay. Who am I?
Answer: Nebuchadnezzar (interpreted by Daniel)
30. I am the last word in the Bible. What am I?
Answer: Amen
Funny Bible Riddles
1. Why didn’t Noah go fishing while on the ark?
Answer: Because he only had two worms!
2. Why did the Bible character bring a ladder to church?
Answer: Because he wanted to get closer to heaven!
3. Why was the snake in the Garden of Eden so good at math?
Answer: Because he could always add temptation!
4. Why did Jonah like the ocean?
Answer: Because it had great whale-fare!
5. Why was Moses the worst babysitter?
Answer: Because he left his people in the wilderness for 40 years!
6. What was Boaz like before he got married?
Answer: Ruth-less!
7. Why did the people on Noah’s ark have so much money?
Answer: Because they floated their stock while the world was in liquidation!
8. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?
Answer: Samson—he brought the house down!
9. Why did the unemployed man in the Bible get a job?
Answer: Because he heard that Jesus saves!
10. What’s the best way to study the Bible?
Answer: You Luke into it!
11. Why did Adam and Eve do so well in school?
Answer: Because they had great Genesis!
12. Who in the Bible had the best business sense?
Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter—she went to the bank and pulled out a little prophet!
13. Why did Jesus stand at the door and knock?
Answer: Because Peter lost the keys again!
14. Who was the shortest man in the Bible?
Answer: Knee-high-miah (Nehemiah)!
15. Why did Cain avoid farming after killing Abel?
Answer: Because he was afraid he’d be caught red-handed!
16. Why did Noah bring ducks onto the ark?
Answer: Because he needed a good pair of quack doctors!
17. What did the grape do when it got stepped on in the Bible?
Answer: It let out a little wine!
18. Why did Eve leave the Garden of Eden?
Answer: Because Adam made a bad apple choice!
Bible riddles are a fantastic way to explore scripture, challenge your knowledge, and even share a few laughs. Whether you enjoyed deep theological riddles, lighthearted jokes, or Bible questions for kids, this collection offers a fun and educational experience. Keep testing your Bible knowledge, share these riddles with friends and family, and let them spark curiosity about the timeless wisdom of the Bible. Looking for more Bible trivia? Stay tuned for even more engaging riddles and challenges to strengthen your faith while having fun!